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hb::Camera Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void setPosition (const Vector3d &pos)
void setAxisX (const Vector3d &x)
void setAxisY (const Vector3d &y)
void setAxisZ (const Vector3d &z)
void setZNear (double zn)
void setZFar (double zf)
const Vector3dgetPosition () const
const Vector3dgetAxisX () const
const Vector3dgetAxisY () const
const Vector3dgetAxisZ () const
const Vector3dgetInverseAxisX () const
const Vector3dgetInverseAxisY () const
const Vector3dgetInverseAxisZ () const
double getZNear () const
double getZFar () const
Vector3d ObjectspaceToDrawspace (const Vector3d &v)
Vector3d DrawspaceToObjectspace (const Vector3d &v)

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